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Give Honor to Whom Honor Is Due

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 23

Time, they say, eases the heartache and disappointments of life. I would add to that it also diminishes the highlights, the wonderful things of life. By that I think of the many championships my children won playing baseball, basketball and softball, and even myself as a young guy. At the time the victory is sweet, I mean it is always better to win a championship game than lose it right? But the fame and exultation soon fade, and life goes on. As young adults, married with kids (most of them) they are busy working and raising their families, and making memories. They are looking ahead to their kids’ playing sports and winning championships, and we rarely talk about the fun we had when they played. I am sure that will change as they get into coaching and my grandkids play sports.

As a young guy my Mom drove me to practices and games. She was my biggest cheerleader. If I was on a first-place team, and a starter on the all-star team she would be proud of me. If I was on a team that did not win one game (and that happened once) she would be proud of me. Win or lose we would go to DQ or Mickey D’s and enjoy time together, often with my younger sister with us. She was always supportive and encouraged me to do my best and be a good teammate. Those memories are what I value today, because it was one year ago today, June 6, that I sat with her as she passed on to her eternal home with Jesus. My Mom made many sacrifices for me and my brother and two sisters. She made a difference in the lives of our friends who would come to live with us for a while if they were having problems at home.

She looked for the best in us and others. She loved family, games, bowling, camping and supporting her church. She was a giver. She was raised in the Great Depression, lived through the hard times of World War II. She was an optimist. But having lived through tough times, escaped poverty by hard work, and raised her family without her husband who died at age 39, Mom had to be. She looked after others above herself, kind of like Jesus did. He made himself of no reputation and humbled himself to be the Savior of the world. My Mom can’t compare with Jesus, okay? But the love and concern for others reflects her strong faith in Jesus.

Today we must look back and remember the great sacrifice and love thousands of soldiers made to liberate the European Continent from fascism. Nazi Germany was wreaking havoc on the world, and 80 years ago today boys became men and gave their all for people they did not know. They suffered and died to defend the right of people to self-rule, I.E. the Constitution and Declaration of Independence for us; democracy for Europe. American soldiers fought so others would not be murdered and enslaved by evil men. They knew that the cost of freedom was high, and many paid that price. I wish our public-school leaders, university and college instructors, and “political leaders”, would take that to heart.

Today our government is more like Nazi Germany than the United States of America. It imprisons those who support life, liberty and justice for all. It has failed to protect our borders and sovereignty. It emboldens and even funds our enemies (Iran for one). I hope we all remember that come the fall elections. The lies and gaslighting of people by the Nazis and Soviet leaders pale in comparison with what we currently have in our country.

Please engage your memory and think back to a time when men were men, women were women, and our politicians and teachers at all levels knew they worked for The People. Find out where people stand on the issues, do your research, maybe we can survive another 100 years if we will just get back to basics, and with that a Biblical Worldview. Isn’t it interesting that a certain democratic senator from Montana is once again campaigning as a conservative when his voting record is just the opposite? That is what I am talking about!

If you don’t know Jesus as Savior today could be your day… confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead and you can be saved. Jesus will save you no matter how you vote okay? But I think He would have us vote for those who best align with his position on matters of life and justice.

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency. He is also pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected]


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