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Decisions and Bad Policies Have Consequences

Series: Mountaintop Musings | Story 11

Anyone who thinks that the foreign policy of the current administration, which is really Obama Policy part 3, is working for the American people and the world at large, must have a different definition of success than I do. In fact, their definition of success cannot possibly align with the hundreds of millions of people living in Muslim controlled countries. I am not even thinking about the horrific border /immigration policies of Comrade Biden.

In 2018, an estimated 11.39 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the United States. This is an increase from about 3.5 million unauthorized immigrants who lived in the United States in 1990. The number of illegal aliens who have entered the interior of the U.S. under the Biden administration now is greater than the population of at least 22 states as well as the District of Columbia.

Data released Monday (10/16/23) by the House Judiciary Committee reveals that at least 3.8 million illegal aliens either have been released into the nation’s interior or successfully evaded the Border Patrol to enter the country since President Joe Biden took office Jan. 20, 2021. What once took 28 years has taken only three under our incompetent President and his handlers.

The new data and other information reveal that the Biden administration has “failed to remove, through immigration court removal proceedings, over 99% of those illegal aliens who have been released into the country” since Biden became president, the committee’s interim staff report concludes.

Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Tom McClintock, chairman of Judiciary’s immigration subcommittee, said they obtained nonpublic data from the Department of Homeland Security that provides previously unknown official numbers.

Let’s now move to the Middle east. How well are things playing out there for our ally Israel considering our inept decisions from Afghanistan to Iran, to the funding of Hamas and Hezbollah. We lost 13 soldiers due to the incompetence of Biden’s policy. Approximately $7 billion of military equipment the US transferred to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years was left behind in Afghanistan after the US completed its withdrawal from the country, according to a congressionally mandated report from the US Department of Defense viewed by CNN.

Iran’s economy and reserves have been on a precipitous decline for several years due to US sanctions. The people there have fought for freedom from the Mullah’s. However, in the past three years the cash reserves have grown due to selling oil to Russia and China, circumventing the restrictions. Biden has brokered to allow 6 billion dollars to be released, sanctions eased, etc. This weakness has emboldened the world’s financier of terror, and next thing you know the people of Israel have been viciously, and horrifically attacked. Pregnant women shot and killed along with their babies, living babies beheaded in front of their parents, the elderly butchered and burned alive, and on and on it could go. Once again, the tiny nation of Israel’s very existence is being contested by the Muslim world.

Do you know that there are only 10 million people in Israel, and roughly 7.5 million Jews. The nation is less than the size of New Jersy, with enemy rockets lining its borders for the most part. Our universities and the public education systems of the world have brainwashed our young people into thinking Israel is a racist and apartheid country when in fact it allows complete freedom for Arabs/Muslims to enjoy the freedoms of democracy if they choose. However, most choose to kill indiscriminately the Jewish people. Peace was creping into the region until the reign of terror unleashed by the failed policies of Biden and Co. And yes, our illustrious Senator Tester has walked lockstep with the corrupt Biden Crime family into this disaster. I am sure he and the Squad have and/or will see their personal finances increase greatly as our country is led to the slaughter. Where are the real conservatives, and godly leaders we need? Of course, maybe we have the “leaders” we deserve due to the slaughter of our unborn?

All I know is that God has selected Israel to be the apple of His eye, they are the Chosen People, and the Bible says He will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. Oh, to have leaders who seek the blessings of Almighty God and not the blessing of the Ayatollah’s of Iran, and despots of China, Ukraine and Russia. God have mercy on us!

Dave Carroll is an area missionary with InFaith, America’s oldest Christian home mission agency, and Pastor of the Wolf Creek Baptist Church. You can contact Dave at 406.459.8935 or [email protected].


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