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Ready, Set, Library! Woh-who-ey! Huzzah!

Series: Library News | Story 33

Race to discover the possibilities at your library during National Library Week, April 7 – 13. Race to discover April10th. Libraries give a green light to something truly special: a place to connect with others, learn new skills, and focus on what matters most. Find some life pleasures at our library’s author talks, musical entertainers, and book clubs. Enjoy the scenic route through the stacks to find your new favorite story. Or take a look at our library’s website: for up-to-date library news, historical info, access to our online catalogue and a whole lot more.

No matter where you find yourself on the roadmap through life’s journey—preparing for a new career, launching a business, or raising a family—your library provides an inclusive and supportive community where everyone belongs.

Research revealed that by the mid-1950s, Americans were spending significant amounts of time listening to the radio, watching TV and playing musical instruments. Through concern that people were not reading enough, in 1954 a non-profit book committee was established by the American Library Association (ALA) and the American Book Publishers. National Library Week was first sponsored in 1958, and the week-long event was developed with the intent to motivate people to read as well as to support and show appreciation to their local libraries.

The yearly affair is also sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) who decided that this week be observed every April. National Library Week is a week-long celebration highlighting the importance of libraries and encouraging people to read. Each year, the National Book Committee sponsors the event to give thanks to the hard-working librarians and library workers who work (often voluntarily) to keep libraries open and available.

Get ready to explore, become inspired, and connect with your library this National Library Week. Libraries are there for you, all the way to the finish line. From Harry Potter and Matilda, to Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, we’re sure at some point you’ve dashed to the library to borrow your favorite book or audio book.

Do you remember that feeling of getting a brand-new library card – of whipping it out when you borrowed a mountain of DVD’s? Of course, times have changed. Libraries are pivotal to society and to schools. Celebrating libraries means celebrating silent reading, our communities and the shear fun of adventures through reading. This year let’s look back on our love for the smell inside an old book and wholeheartedly thank our local public libraries.

According to the American Literary Association, libraries are places where people can connect away from the pressures of technology and share a combined love for literature. The joy of reading is something that libraries encourage, with millions of books gracing shelves in libraries across America, from fiction to fact. With exciting new worlds and endless stories to be discovered, libraries often act as the gateway to a reader’s next great adventure.

National Library Week Theme: “Ready, Set, Library!” is the theme for National Library Week 2024 that resonates with the fast-paced world we live in, reminding us that libraries are the go-to destination for something extraordinary. They provide a space to connect, learn, and focus on what truly matters.

This year come celebrate at Wedsworth Library with Tim De Roche on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:00 p.m. Tim heralds from Ulm and loves to tell stories. He has a love for Country Swing Dancing and the Civil War.

Tim De Roche is an Amateur Civil War historian. He’s lived in eight states, including Virginia twice and Texas. His hobby is visiting battlefields and he has visited a lot of ‘em. His best hobby is reading extensively about the Civil War.

In addition to reading, Tim has been a Civil War reenactor and a retired federal executive. He has a MBA, UCLA, BS from Colorado State University and the United States Army Officer Candidate School.

He spent 8 years as a State Director of The Back Country Horsemen of Montana and was twice Chapter Chairman (President). Along with that was 7 summers as a volunteer at the C.M. Russell Museum, 6 years as a member of the Ulm Volunteer Fire Department, and a 4-year member of the Great Falls Tribune (When it existed) on the Reader’s Panel. Tim has lived in Montana for 18 years, returning home after his retirement.

Tim is all charged up to educate us on the direct Civil War connections to Montana’s history and the unique historical facts about the conflict. And he loves questions.

As Tim will ask – “if you were alive in 1861, which side would you support? If you were a Southerner, or if you were a Northerner? How would you have chosen if you had lived in the other regional area of America? Or would you choose not to participate? Interesting questions to consider. All three answers were given by people who eventually relocated to Montana, and it affected their interaction in the decades after the war.”

Tim will provide an interesting and fairly short presentation that will include original Mini-ball bullets and a partial Canon ball from an Actual Maryland battlefield. Imagine these flying at you in massive numbers.! Maybe Tim’ll dance a way into your love of history and books.

And don’t forget the absolutely delicious treats sponsored by our WONDERFUL Cascade Women’s Club. We can hardly wait to eat our way through this rowdy delicious excitement.


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