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Annual Spring Music Concert and Art Gala Incoming

Cascade Public School is pleased to announce a very special event coming up on May 11, 2023. The Annual Spring Music Concert and Art Gala will be that evening, with the concert beginning at 7:00 pm in the north gym, This concert is the last one of this school year and will feature all the bands and choir in grades 5-12. Band/choir awards will also be presented at this concert, including The John Phillip Sousa award as well as certificates from the recent District and State Music Festivals. All the groups have learned a lot this year and it will be an awesome concert-one you won't want to miss.!

The Art students, in grades EK-12, with Mrs. Christa Hardy leading them, have some amazing projects they will be displaying this evening also. The student's projects will be set up in the commons for your enjoyment before the concert, so be sure to come early to see what these creative students have done over this past year! There will also be a brand new display of art highlighted by black light set up in the library. I can hardly wait to see this display!

All of the students in the Music and Art Departments have been really busy preparing this evening for you!

Once again, the Spring Music Concert and the Art Gala will be Thursday, May 11. The art display will be available to view before the concert as well as after, in the commons and the library. The concert begins at 7:00 pm in the north gym.

Hope to see you there and thank you for supporting both programs!


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