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Kristin Riley Takes Oath of Office

Kristin Riley was sworn in Monday morning at Town Hall, being appointed to replace Bob Oliver, Ward 1 Councilor. Mrs. Riley is a retired pet groomer of 20 years. She and her husband moved to Montana from Arizona with their 3 girls in 2017. They bought a house here in Cascade in 2018. She manages their building project and side business of RV rentals, always finding a way to stay busy.

"After spending 3 years remodeling it, we started building a new house here in the spring of 2022. We purchased a rental property in 2021. After attending a town planning meeting (where we proposed plans for future builds) and a few town council meetings, it sparked an interest in how things work in a small town, and a desire to help find solutions for more affordable housing in this economy. I also realized that having lived in big cities in several states, it was easy to just vote and then live in my own little bubble. I've taken for granted what it takes to keep our little town going, and it's the everyday people that I run into at the market or post office making it happen! It's not just a name on a ballot that doesn't know me and my family like it is when living in a big city. I'm grateful for all the behind-the-scene people working to bring the community together. There's always room for improvement in any place you live, and I hope to be able to contribute something positive to our community in any way I can. I love this town and have made so many wonderful friends, and I look forward to getting to know as many as possible in the future!"


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