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It's HOT Outside!!!

Help! I'm melting!!! That's how it's been feeling these last few days here in Cascade as temperatures have been lingering in the mid to high nineties! Forecast this morning was calling for temps to reach 101 today, as I write this. For a minute, I thought I was back in Texas! The difference, though, is that, here, one can get under a shade and cool off. Here, the temperatures drop at night and one wakes up to cooler morning temps. Here, these temperatures don't linger for months at a time. Yeah, it's been hot out, but not as HOT as others are experiencing. I may be complaining about the heat now, but there's no other place I'd rather be than here in Montana! (Give me a few months and I'll be complaining about the COLD!!!)


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Rendered 07/26/2024 22:03